Abstract Organic Dots

Endorsements for


Mid Century Modern Design Element

“The idea is strong and has the potential for impact, almost like a fundamental part of an ​operating system for putting the country back on track from social fabric that is frayed or ​political processes that divide us. It captures an important fundamental aspect that is ​missing in society today—equality, human dignity, fixing what’s broken in politics and ​society. We need to appreciate each other and appreciate that there will be differences. ​Another way to say this is, we need to “return2respect.” ~Walt Roberts, Change ​Management Consultant, Co-founder of Inter Movement Impact Project, Healthy ​Democracy Movement, Co-creator of Critical Connections Forum, Transpartisan Alliance ​Leadership Team, Sustainability Movement facilitator

“Return2respect is a campaign to make visible that which most Americans want. ​Backed by our own actions, it becomes a call to our leaders and elected officials to act ​in a manner more fitting their office. It’s time to stop with the public melodrama and ​begin acting like adults.” ~ Debilyn Molineaux, long-time leader in the bridging ​movement, co-founder of the Coffee Party and Living Room Conversations, past ​President/CEO of the Bridge Alliance, co-publisher of The Fulcrum, currently heading ​up AmericanFuture.us and Terrified Nation podcasts

“As a country, as a culture, as Americans, regardless of our political affiliation or ​ideologies, we can ”return2respect”. However we describe ourselves -- as children of ​God, of Nature, of the Ineffable or just of our parents, whatever  – we all inherently ​deserve respect. This initiative calls upon everyone without exception, to recognize ​the dignity of the other and of ourselves as an essential element to engage together in ​building a functioning society.” ~ John Steiner, lifelong transpartisan networker, ​founder and leader of Business for America, trustee of the SteinerKing Foundation, ​Director at the Boulder Institute, Past Chair of Reuniting America, co-founder of ​Search for Common Ground, and current Advisor to Listen First Project and its more ​than 500 organization members.

Fancy Line Accent Decorative Element
Mid century modern art

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before time runs out?

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