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Become a Partner

for Respect

A unified front for a return to respect throughout the nation that includes you, ​your organization, your business is critical for success. Respect is vital for our ​communities and our nation as a whole. Society cannot function without trust, and ​trust cannot exist without respect.

We’re only asking for a little bit of your time, but it could make a mountain of ​difference. Go to our Be a Partner page for more information.

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What​ you can do

Organizations: Become one of the primary sponsors of this grassroots ​movement. Distribute window clings $30 gets you 50 clings, $50 - 100 clings. ​(includes shipping) or encourage download of our free materials including ​cute bookmarks, include info about the return2respect movement and your ​involvement. See our Partner page for more info.

Designers, marketers, campaign strategists, etc.: Design a cling or a sign, ​a poster, a seal,a bookmark or brochure. .Other needs: ways to market, ​creative hash tags, social media influence. We welcome constructive ​criticism, too.

Help from Home: Locally, make contact with potential partners - small ​businesses, churches, musical groups, etc. Contact civic organizations, ​mayors, other officials to help the spread of window clings, etc. Print out our ​fun bookmarks and hand then out everywhere.

Musicians, groups, entertainers, venues: Put a Return2Respect sign onstage ​at concerts. Hand out window clings $50 gets you 100 clings. Include a sign ​with our QR code so folks can download and print their own signs and our fun ​bookmarks.

Business owners, restaurants, stores, etc. Sponsor a return to respect ​day. Signs at checkouts. Collect donations. Order a supply of Respect clings ​to hand out to customers? $ 50 for 100 clings. $260 provides 500 clings, ​$400 provides 1000 clings Or print and hand out our free bookmarks.

Sign makers, cling printers, banner makers, billboard companies, ​printers: A break in printing costs? A billboard?

Villages, towns, cities, mayors, etc.: Mark your place in the respect ​campaign. Set a Return2 Respect Day. Print out our free signs and/or ​bookmarks for dispersal. Or $50 provides 100 clings. $400 1000 clings. Get ​local businesses to pitch in a small donation and hand out clings.

Individuals, neighborhoods, communities, etc.: Spread the word that your ​community is an advocate for respect. Print out free stuff, or a $6 donation ​gets you a couple of clings. Print and hand out our free bookmarks.

This initiative belongs to everyone. We are totally grass roots and are ​providing materials at our cost including shipping. We’re doing the best we ​can.

Send photos to: cmonamericagroup@gmail.com

Contact us at: return2respect@gmail.com

Download free signs and bookmarks ​here by clicking on the items.

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We are not a fund-raiser but we do have ​expenses. Anything $6 and up will help to ​increase our effectiveness and our ability to ​expand this effort and we’ll send you some ​free window clings. Please click on our piggy ​bank to help get more signs out there.

$6 or more will get you some ​window clings and bookmarks.

Donate more to help us get ​more signs and clings in place.

Clean Expressive Piggy Bank
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Why Should We Care ?

It is in our human nature to want to help, to have a society ​where each of us brings something unique and we gather ​together to sustain that society.

We need to stop leaning on the self-created labels of ​gender, religion, race, nationality, political party, etc. Every ​one of us has our own story which includes strengths and ​weaknesses, aspirations and experiences, joys and regrets, ​integrity and values and many other facets. We are much ​more than our politics.

The pandemic brought true reckoning, showing that we are ​all human and susceptible to the same problems. All of our ​lives changed in that moment showing, if nothing more, we ​do not thrive in isolation. We need and want a community ​where people can rely on and appreciate each other.

So, person to person let’s get out there and join our society ​back together. Society cannot thrive if we walk alone ​choosing divisive sides on fleeting politically created crises. ​Society and unity are not sustainable without respect and ​trust.

Together we can rebuild respect in each other, and ​request the same of our leaders so they can accomplish ​their job of governing, of performing the role of public ​service we elected them to do, while we work on building up ​goodwill and social capital in our communities nationwide.

​ Where everyone belongs.

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Consider how others see us, how they look back at us, as that is the true meaning of respect.



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