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Abstract Organic Dots

About Us

Educational Worksheet Geometric Shapes




You can speak out through the Return2Respect movement and bring a ​focus on fairness, equality and civility. Join with fellow Americans in ​a mission that can have a positive impact on your future. Respect has ​no boundaries, political or otherwise. Trust, inspiration, common sense ​and decency will only flourish with respect in place.

We’re asking you to help us spread Return2Respect signs and window clings across the ​nation. This is an all out effort to return respect because:

  • Society loses creativity, harmony and initiative unless we trust one another.
  • Government cannot develop solutions unless our leaders think and work together.
  • Communities will not thrive unless there is a sense of belonging and freedom from fear.

which means it all begins with respect and

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Returning respect is what we’re all about.

Retro Arrow Mid Century
Abstract Organic Dots

Our Mission

Educational Worksheet Geometric Shapes

Choose respect, revive trust

Let's work together
Vintage Retro Mid-Century

ULTIMATE GOAL: To keep our “united states” united, safe ​and respectable for all and foster a stronger, more responsive ​and democratic government by making a return to respect the ​hallmark for 2024 and beyond.

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A loss of respect and common decency is evident throughout society, including at ​the governmental level. People are exhausted and exasperated from polarization and ​politics.

This mission puts a focus across the country on the word “respect”. Returning ​respect is the only way to regain peace of mind. Equality, civility, and trust cannot ​develop in any meaningful way without respect first being put in place. We’re asking ​our leaders to help. We need to be more than our politics.

Our Elected officials impact attitudes and behavior everywhere. A reduction in ​toxic polarization, developing respect for each other, and avoiding harmful rhetoric ​and bickering can help to reduce division and anger. This could also have a positive ​impact on the media that tend to exploit and enflame others. We know there will ​always be issues. With respect in place, disagreements can center on the issue, not the ​personalities. Motivation and innovation toward solutions can also follow.

Retro Mid-Century

Every time a respect cling or sign appears on a lawn, in the back ​window of a car (truck, SUV, bus), in a window of a home, on the wall ​in an office, in a store, on a laptop or refrigerator:

  • there is more of a chance of being heard,
  • more of a chance to make a difference in your community
  • more potential to be recognized by the media,
  • more opportunity to impact our legislators
  • just plain more of a chance to change the tone in someone’s voice

To sum it up:

With respect, common sense solutions, dignity and decency can return, and cooperation, ​collaboration, initiative and, most of all, trust can begin to increase.

Without respect, society and democracy cannot function properly, trust and motivation ​disappear, fairness and equality bow to prejudice, and stress and violence increase..

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WE FOCUS ON GETTING VOICES HEARD: YOU are the most important element. ​Every person who joins in advances the return to respect. You help to bring us back ​together, to return trust and pave the way for a more positive future.

Individuals, communities, organizations, businesses everywhere are essential. You focus ​attention on the word "respect" by displaying signs everywhere. In homes, cars, offices, ​restaurants, at musical concerts, barber shops, hairdressers, stores, nursing homes, on ​lawns, everywhere. Your photos on our Instagram page bring it all home.

up and down


up and down

Return2Respect works from the top down and the bottom up. We ​develop local support by displaying signs in communities everywhere. ​We ask our elected leaders to help us by displaying an air of respect at ​the top. Their actions in turn impact the nation as a whole.

We’ve raised our first $1000. With donations beginning at $6, we will send you some window ​clings for your home and car windows. The more you donate, the more clings we can spread ​across the country. The more the word “respect” is seen, the more it can enter people’s ​minds and hearts.

  • We’ll let your elected representatives and the media know you are watching and waiting ​for their vital assistance in leading the way back together.
  • The photos on our Instagram page serve as a visual reminder of our impact in numbers.
  • Through this movement, organizations devoted to unity and trust also receive greater ​recognition and empowerment.

It took a long time to get this low in respect. It will take a long time to bring us back but ​the sooner we get started, the sooner we can reverse the downward trend.

Recolorable Pastel beige Title bar with shadow
Geometric Shape Icon

Let’s make respect a vision for 2024 and beyond.

Mid Century Modern Design Element
Abstract Organic Dots

Endorsements for


“The idea is strong and has the potential for impact, almost like a fundamental part of an ​operating system for putting the country back on track from social fabric that is frayed or ​political processes that divide us. It captures an important fundamental aspect that is missing ​in society today—equality, human dignity, fixing what’s broken in politics and society. We need ​to appreciate each other and appreciate that there will be differences. Another way to say ​this is, we need to “return2respect.” ~Walt Roberts, Change Management Consultant, Co-​founder of Inter Movement Impact Project, Healthy Democracy Movement, Co-creator of ​Critical Connections Forum, Transpartisan Alliance Leadership Team, Sustainability Movement ​facilitator

“Return2respect is a campaign to make visible that which most Americans want. Backed ​by our own actions, it becomes a call to our leaders and elected officials to act in a ​manner more fitting their office. It’s time to stop with the public melodrama and begin ​acting like adults.” ~ Debilyn Molineaux, long-time leader in the bridging movement, co-​founder of the Coffee Party and Living Room Conversations, past President/CEO of the ​Bridge Alliance, co-publisher of The Fulcrum, currently heading up AmericanFuture.us ​and Terrified Nation podcasts

“As a country, as a culture, as Americans, regardless of our political affiliation or ​ideologies, we can ”return2respect”. However we describe ourselves -- as children of ​God, of Nature, of the Ineffable or just of our parents, whatever  – we all inherently ​deserve respect. This initiative calls upon everyone without exception, to recognize the ​dignity of the other and of ourselves as an essential element to engage together in ​building a functioning society.” ~ John Steiner, co-founder Search for Common Ground, ​trustee of the SteinerKing Foundation, Director at the Boulder Institute, Past Chair of ​Reuniting America, and current Advisor to Business for America and Listen First Project ​and its more than 500 organization members.

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Mid century modern art

It won’t happen without you.

Help in the goal to return to respect

before time runs out?

Volunteer Icon



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Donate Button with Cursor

A Message from Brenda, Return2Respect’s Creator

Return2Respect is a movement, a loosely knit collaboration of all of us who don’t want to be ​polarized, don’t want to hate each other, and want to do our part in bringing back trust and ​common decency.

The damage to our society, our union, is clearly visible. Trust in our leaders has fallen to ​15%. In 1984 58% of us agreed our representatives cared about serving us. Now 58% ​disagree. Common decency is #1 on the list of “things we used to respect, but no longer do.” ​Journalists and the American presidency also made the list. Our media has to take some of ​the blame for distrust and fear, too. Too much information can be just as harmful as too ​little.

I’ve been around for a long time and have observed, with sorrow, the changes in common ​decency and respect. We cannot change history by destroying all structure. We can only ​improve on the past and leave something better for the future.

I graduated from high school in 1958. During the 50's, our government had lots of issues on ​its plate. But 72% of us still trusted our elected representatives to do the right thing. ​Sure, we might have been a little naive and we didn’t have the instant information available ​today, but only 15% under any condition is something that cannot be ignored.

Last 4th of July my 4 year old great-grandson entertained at a celebration. He loves to sing ​and play guitar and closed with This land is my land, this land is your land, asking people to be ​happy together. It struck me that it’s been 60 years since Woodie Guthrie first wrote that ​to try to bring people together. Sadly a 4 year old child still feels the need to keep trying. ​We owe the children something better.

Please do this one small thing - place a “respect” window cling in your car (truck, bus) window ​and become part of the change. Think about this: Where are we headed if we don’t get ​together and begin to build the road back to civility and trust? Would you really want to end ​up there?



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